Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Angel in the Hallway from Women in the Scriptures

I am very excited to share this story with you today from Heather the author of the blog Women in the Scriptures.  Pretty much my favorite blog of all time.  I read this story last year before I started having my own angel experiences.  After I read it, it stayed with me for days.  I reflected on it deeply.  I think it was the first time I really sat and thought about the help we receive from the other side of the veil.  I reached out to Heather and asked for permission to share this story and she gave it to me.  If you are not familiar with her blog, please check it out and she has a book being released soon that I am super excited about.

Several nights ago I decided to make bread before bed. 

I quickly threw together a batch of bread, confident that I knew the recipe off the top of my head,  and stuck it in the bread maker. I turned the machine onto its longest setting and went upstairs to get ready for bed, intending for the bread to cook while I was alseep. Jon came up shortly after and we watched a movie together. After the movie was over we sat in bed and chatted for awhile, when I heard a strange noise downstairs. It sounded like someone was rusting the blinds.

"Did you hear that?" I asked Jon.

He quieted down and we listened, but couldn't hear anything.  

"I just thought I heard something downstairs." 

"Must have been the bread machine."

"Yeah, must have been." 

Jon went into the bathroom to brush his teeth. I was laying in bed with our door open and I heard the hall floor squeak. I sat up thinking that it was Jon coming back into the room, but when I looked there was no one there. I listened and could hear that Jon was still in the bathroom. "Strange," I thought to myself. The floor had squeaked just like it does when someone was walking on it, but there was no one there.

Not long after Jon came back in and with a strange look on his face asked, "Was that you in the hall?"

"No, I have been laying right here the whole time. But you heard that too?"

"Yeah, someone walked down the hall."

"I heard it, but I figured it must have been you in the bathroom." 

We both got the chills.

Not only had we heard something in the hall but we could both feel that there was mostcertainly someone else in our house.

Me, being the brave soul that I am climbed further under the covers and sent Jon to investigate. He turned on the hall light and slowly started down the stairs, even calling out a tentative, "Hello? Who is there?" 

As he progressed down the stairs a thousand horrible possibilities flooded through my head.

"We haven't gotten the locks changed yet, what if someone has a key." 

"What if they are a crazy uncle who is angry we bought the house."

"What if Jon gets shot?" 

"Where would I hide?"

"How would I keep the kids quiet?" 

"Maybe we could climb out the window on to the porch...." 

You know... nice, comforting, sane thoughts.

Then I heard, "Wow. Oh wow. Man. Wow" coming from down stairs and I was out of bed and down the stairs like a rocket.

"Jon, what happened? Are you okay? What is it. Did you find them?"

"Yeah, Heather. Everything is okay but look at this." 

He pointed to the bread machine, which had "walked" itself underneath the cupboard, and was pouring out a pillar of smoke. He opened it up and we saw that my hastily thrown together bread had risen too much and that the dough had overflowed in great quantities onto the heating element.  Jon quickly pulled it out and doused the thing with water and then looked at me seriously, "This thing probably would have caught fire, it still has almost an hour and half left on the bake time. And being right underneath these cupboards it probably would have lit them right up. I wonder why the smoke alarm didn't go off." 

"I know" I said. "I checked them today and replaced the batteries but I couldn't get them to work. I was going to ask you to look at them when you got home... but I forgot." 

We watched the smoldering bread machine for awhile, feeling slight terror at our near escape,  and then Jon said, "You know... there was someone in the hall.  I felt them as I came down the stairs. I think we just had a visit from a guardian angel." 

The truth of those words rushed over us and brought us to our knees in gratitude. 

There have been several times in my life when I have felt the presence of guardian angels. Yet, every time I see their influence in my life it humbles me to my core.

Who are they? What type of power and influence are they allowed to have? Can they rustle blinds and squeak old floors if needed? And how many other small, seemingly insginficant, promptings and occurances in my life are really whisperings from a divine being? 

I really don't know.

All I do know is that I am so grateful for the angel who walked our hall that night. 

I love you

whoever you are. 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

My Guardian Angel

photo from the movie "Sweet Grass"

Last year, I was going through a difficult time.  I had started doing Kundalini meditation to help me out of my dark place.  During my meditation, I started noticing that I felt a presence next to me on my left side.  For the next few days, every day when I meditated I could feel it.  One day the feeling was so strong I put my hands out to see if I could feel someone put their hands in mine.  I didn't feel anything but I knew someone was there.  I started getting little bits of inspiration on who was sitting next to me.  I knew it was a male.  I knew he was related to me and I knew that his smell was of wet wool.  I prayed and asked who this person was and I didn't get an answer for quite a while.  One day after my mediation, I felt strongly that I needed to look at my family  tree and that he would tell me who he was.  I sat down at the computer, pulled it up and started scanning it.  I was expecting an audible answer so I was listening very intently but that is not how my answer came.  My answer came as I slowly went past a name and the name seemed to jump off the page at me.  It was like my angel was pointing his name out to me.  I was overwhelmed with emotion when I saw his name.  The spirit confirmed to me that he was the one angel that was to my left.  Luckily for me, my grandma knew him while he was on this side of the veil.  I called her and listened to her tell me stories.  As she continued to tell the stories I knew were the smell came from he was a sheepherder.

One who brought me

Painting by Brian Kershisnik

The One Who Brought Me To Earth

Escort/Memory PBE:
I was putting three-year-old Johnny to bed when he asked for a bedtime story. For the past few weeks, 
I had been telling him of the adventures of his great-great-grandfather: a colonizer, a soldier,
 a community leader. As I started another story, Johnny stopped me and said, “No, tell me of 
Grandpa Robert.” I was surprised. This was my grandpa. I had not told stories of him, and I 
could not imagine where he had heard his name. 
He had died before I had even married.
“How do you know about Grandpa Robert?” I asked.
“Well, Momma,” he said,”he’s the one who brought me to earth.”
– Lois P–excerpt from Hinze, Coming From the Light, p. 41

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


I received this email this morning from someone who has been reading my blog.  I wanted to share this story about her angels speaking to her today. 

I have always loved music and it is always playing in my house.  there is something about music that has always spoken to my heart.  But this morning I knew it was my angels talking to me.  I have been having a really heard time lately with the fact that we have been unemployed for so long.  I have been married for 7 years and I can think of one year in my entire marriage that we haven't struggled with finances.  We just don't make enough money and today it was really upsetting me.  I get depressed about how hard it is and how tired I am of dealing with this struggle. I know that this trial is for my good but I am so tired.

I went for a walk this morning to try and clear my head.  I put my ear buds in and started walking.   I know that my angels were communicating to me today through music.  As the tears started flowing I noticed a change in the music.  The music began to slow down and three very specific songs came on. The first one was Carrie Underwood's Temporary Home.  The words that stuck out to me were... "this is my temporary home, it's not where I belong.  Windows and rooms that I'm passing through.  this was just a stop on the way to where I'm going.  I'm not afraid because I know this is my temporary home."  

The next song on the radio was Demi Lovato's Give you heart a Break. These lyrics stood out to me "Don't wanna break your heart.  Wanna give your heat a break... There's just one life to live. And there's no time to wait, to wait. So let me give your heart a break.  Let me give your heart a break. There's just so much you can take. Give your heart a break."

And the third was Rascal Flatts Bless the Broken Road.  I have always loved this song. I have always thought of it as someone singing this to someone they loved but today I knew that it was talking about my journey here on the earth.  In the song he sings about finding true love. s i was listening to this song my angel spoke to me and told me "There is no truer love than God's love and the You in this song is Heavenly Father."

I set out on a narrow way many years ago
Hoping I would find true love along the broken road
But I got lost a time or two
Wiped my brow and kept pushing through
I couldn't see how every sign pointed straight to you 
Every long lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart they were like Northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you
 I think about the years I spent just passing through
I'd like to have the time I lost and give it back to you
But you just smile and take my hand
You've been there you understand
It's all part of a grander plan that is coming true. 
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you.

Trials in this life are difficult and they will bring us to our knees.  If we have the eyes to see and the ears to hear we will see and hear our angels.  They are all around us and they are rooting for us.  They want us to return to Heavenly Father and to be able to be in live in His presence again. I am grateful for this experience today.  I needed it.


Monday, August 4, 2014

Protected by Angels in the Storm

While in Oklahoma, I had the opportunity to meet with a few of the families devastated by the mighty twisters. As I visited with the Sorrels family, I was particularly touched by the experience of their daughter, Tori, then a fifth grader at Plaza Towers Elementary School. She and her mother are here with us today.
Tori and a handful of her friends huddled in a restroom for shelter as the tornado roared through the school. Listen as I read, in Tori’s own words, the account of that day:
“I heard something hit the roof. I thought it was just hailing. The sound got louder and louder. I said a prayer that Heavenly Father would protect us all and keep us safe. All of a sudden we heard a loud vacuum sound, and the roof disappeared right above our heads. There was lots of wind and debris flying around and hitting every part of my body. It was darker outside and it looked like the sky was black, but it wasn’t—it was the inside of the tornado. I just closed my eyes, hoping and praying that it would be over soon.
“All of a sudden it got quiet.
“When I opened my eyes, I saw a stop sign right in front of my eyes! It was almost touching my nose.”6
Tori, her mother, three of her siblings, and numerous friends who were also in the school with her miraculously survived that tornado; seven of their schoolmates did not.
That weekend the priesthood brethren gave many blessings to members who had suffered in the storm. I was humbled to give Tori a blessing. As I laid my hands on her head, a favorite scripture came to mind: “I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up.”7

I counseled Tori to remember the day when a servant of the Lord laid his hands on her head and pronounced that she had been protected by angels in the storm.

The Joyful Burden of Discipleship by Elder Ronald A. Rasband

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Angel Moroni Part 3

With the amazing story I found about George Washington, I knew there must be some information on the direction Angel Moroni gave Christopher Columbus.  How cool is this? 

Who can doubt that this fire was not merely mine, but also of the Holy Spirit who encouraged me with a radiance of marvelous illumination from his sacred Holy Scriptures, by a most clear and powerful testimony...urging me to press forward? Continually, without a moment's hesitation, the Scriptures urge me to press forward with great haste. (West and Kling, Libro de las profecas, 105)

I fell asleep, and heard a compassionate voice, saying, "O fool, and slow to believe and serve thy God, the God of every man! What more did He do for Moses or for David His servant than for thee? From thy birth He hath ever held thee in special charge. When He saw thee at man's estate, marvelously did He cause thy name to resound over the earth. The Indies, so rich a portion of the world, He gave thee for thine own, and thou hast divided them as it pleased thee. Of those barriers of the Ocean Sea, which were closed with such mighty chains, He hath given thee the keys. Thou was obeyed in so many lands, and thou has won noble fame from Christendom. What more did he do for the people of Israel, when He carried them out of Egypt; or for David, whom from a shepherd He raised to be king over Judea? Turn thou to Him and acknowledge thy faults; His mercy is infinite;...I heard all this as in a swoon, but I had no answer to give in definite words; so true, only to weep for my transgression. (Morison, Journals, 378)

In the name of the most Holy Trinity, who inspired me with the idea and afterward made it perfectly clear to me, that I could navigate and go to the Indies from Spain, by traversing the ocean westwardly. (Curtis, The Authentic Letters of Columbus, 193)

Our Lord made me the messenger of the new heaven and the new earth, of which he spoke in the Book of Revelation by St. John, after having spoken of it by the mouth of Isaiah; and he showed me the place where to find it. (Life, 50, 57n)