Monday, May 11, 2015

If You Aren't then Nobody Will

Last Sunday, I was sitting in church.  I knew that I needed to bear my testimony and had all week but I didn't know what He wanted me to share.  As I took the sacrament, I heard the spirit whisper to me "If you aren't talking about it, nobody will" and I knew exactly what the spirit was talking about.  You see, I have been struggling to know what to share and what not to share about my angel experiences.  I am so blessed to have them so often and some of them are too sacred to share but I know I have been given them for more then one reason.  I know that they are for me but I also know that they are for you.  They are to be used as a lesson so you too can recognize the angels in your life.  They are to be used to strengthen my testimony and yours but it can be scary to share.  I feel very vulnerable and scared about other's perception of me.  I know I shouldn't but putting yourself out there is scary but time and time again the answer keeps coming that I need to so I will be bold and I will share.  I hope if anyone even reads this blog it will help you.  I hope you will pray about the things written on here for yourself.  I hope that you will feel your own angels near you and recognize why they are there and who sent them to you.

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