Wednesday, May 13, 2015

My Temple Journey

My journey has been a very long one and I will just cover the highlights and the things that I feel like I should share.
I was born and raised a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  I met my future husband when I was young and some interesting turn of events brought us together or should I say I think a certain angel made sure that we were married.  That angel is my husband's guardian angel.  I have had many experiences with him and he has brought to my memory a few times that he had to intervene to make sure that we ended up together.  Our marriage was no coincidence.
My husband is the most incredible person I know and I am so proud to be his wife.  He is not a member of the church but is very supportive of me and attends with me every Sunday.  We have been married for over a decade and almost every year as the year ends I start wondering if it is my time to go to the temple.  Over the years, I have had many Bishops and Stake Presidents tell me that it was not time and that I should wait for my husband and I was happy to wait.  As the years progressed, I kept myself busy doing baptisms and have a very special place in my heart for that ordinance.
The last few years my desire to go has grown more and more but every time I prayed about it I kept getting the same answer that it was not time.
A few months ago, the thought came to me again and I started thinking about it more and more.  I met with my Bishop and asked him to pray about it as well.  We made plans to talk about it a few weeks later.
One night I had a dream and in this dream my husband's guardian angel came to me.  I immediately knew who he was and recognized him.  In my dream, he asked me to go to the temple and be baptized for his wife.  The next morning I told my husband that I needed to go to the temple soon and he told me I should just go that day.  I called and made an appointment and got my stuff together and went.
Even though I had made an appointment, I got there as they were making a shift change so I waited for quite a while.  While I was waiting, one of the temple workers came and sat beside me and started telling me his story.  He told me that his wife was not a member and he struggled with going to the temple by himself but then he looked at me and said, "but if I would have waited.  I would still be waiting at 77."I started crying and told him my story and he told me not to wait.  I opened up to him about my dream and pretty soon the First Counselor in the temple was sitting by me too and asked me about my dream so I told him as well.  By the time we got in to do baptisms we were all a little emotional.  The baptism was beautiful and as I left the waters the First Counselor said to me she was here and she accepted.  Tears filled my eyes to have that validated by him.  I had felt her too.
They both came and said goodbye to me as I was leaving the temple and as I reached for the door the Spirit whispered to me, "Now it is time to move forward".
A few weeks later I was able to go through the temple and be surrounded by my family and loved ones on both sides of the veil.


  1. Thank you so much for sharing this incredibly personal and gorgeous story! It touched my heart and I'm so glad you got the answer you have been waiting patiently for all these years. I can only imagine what your angel experiences will be now that you do more ordinances inside the temple! Hopefully there will be some you can share. :)
